日本財団 図書館


2 Marine oil spill abatement equipments are allocated and installed at Balikpapan, East Kalimantan facing Makassar Strait. On. November 22 thru 23,1994 these equipments had been examined and utilized for Tier ? exercise (MARPOL 94), at Balikpapan, and on November 7 thru 9,1995 had been examined and utilized for joint exercise in Philippine (MARPOL Cebu 95).
The result of these exercises and trial in general were satisfactorily, difficulties had been experienced during the mobilisation of the Rotary Drum Skimmer, because the adequate handling equipments to support the movement of this skimmer locally were not available.
The equipment stockpile base at Balikpapan is not yet equippd with information network system connection. This condition contribute to another operational problem, i.e. delay of the need for rapid and instant/automatic up-date informations regarding the stockpile base by NOC or other networks as well as for other emergency actions purposes.


3 The parties involved, namely BAPPEDAL, DGSC and PERTAMINA are presently still formulating, a guideline for operational purposes, including the coordination management, maintenance and utilization of the OS PAR Project equipment. This guideline will be used for the purpose of combating marine oil spill operations.


Routine maintenance to the OSPAR Project equipments has been programmed and maintained in order to achieve an optimum level for the required preparedness to response of these facilities referring to each manual guidelines. Maintenance and if necessary repairs to the equipments including technical guidelines are provided by each Agency where the equipment or system have been allocated.




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